In August of 2019, I hadn’t thought about this date. By January of 2020, I hadn’t thought of this table I am typing on. In my head it was going to be different. As I just said to the Daddy person, we’ve played the hand we were dealt, not the one we wished for, and we are still here.

I am thankful we are people who can adapt and adjust and deal with reality while planning for the things we desire. I can be transparent here and say that more than once in this calendar year I’ve questioned myself. My commitment, my ability to endure, my ability to produce, my ability to dream. What’s been asked of me, is that which I can do, because well I have done it.

I am one of those people who say things happen as they should. He is one of those people who say, things happen as he wishes. We are both right, and both wrong.

In this world, for the time we have remaining, we are prepping to move forward with what the Universe has in store for us, but we will also combine our power to alter the trajectory of that which is not beneficial to us. I am finally settling into that I think.

My girl crush did a LIVE this week, and she reminded me why she is my girl crush. The grace she was able to extend, while still delivering messages that needed to be heard was why I stan for her. Watching her boy thankful to be in her presence, that hit home too well in a sense. She said they hadn’t seen one another in a year, and my eyes watered. As close as they both were geographically, they too were living through a nightmare not unlike the Daddy and I have experienced. It reminded me of why I am doing the work I am doing, but also the imprint it will leave on the world.

I spent a part of the morning with the adorable one. I also spent part of the morning in front of the altar.

Now I am going to pour more coffee and work on the LinkedIn account.

May 16th will be here before I know it, and there is work that needs to be done.
