I have a thing that I say when I am closing a class or discussion: I understand that you have choices and I am always humbled that you choose me.

I am. There is still a part of me which asks why me. I wonder if that will ever change? Yesterday was one of those moments. I presented a class I haven’t done in a while on emotional intelligence. It’s a near and dear topic to me as I work on elevating my own emotional IQ. We ran over, but that’s okay. I was up until 4am revamping the slide show and that is okay. I held the class the entire time, I got tips and feedback. I did it.

At times I still ask myself if this is something that I can do, and soon enough I am going to go in the direction the man has pointed me in, and just do it. Soon enough needs to accelerate if you ask him, and he’s usually right.

I had a fair amount of angst about yesterday, imposter syndrome and all of the other stuff about the insecure version of me. All that angst was not needed though. I arrived, I slayed, I made an impact.

I ask myself WHY I choose this path at times. There are a million other things I could be doing. I know why though and yesterday just points me in that direction more centered an put a AAA battery in my back.

At some point this week I should have a date. I am excited about that. If for some reason it doesn’t happen this week I am also okay with that.

I watched the end of Captain America and the Winter Soldier. I watched Mortal Kombat. I didn’t sleep enough. I didn’t drink or smoke weed. I picked up the cigarettes…again.

It was a week.

I met the line, at the job place, and took the next step.

It was a week.

It was mostly a good week, with lots of things to be grateful for, like the fact a worldwide audience listened to me. Cool