Just about 4 years ago I worked the National Democratic Nominating convention. I was a part of history. It was the first time a major political party nominated a woman for the office of President of the United States. Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for the office. Her resume is unmatched still, and likely will be for some time. If nothing else the election of 45 showed us that things will never be the same again when if comes to that position.

Today Joe Biden, former Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee selected his running mate, the person who if elected would become the Vice President. Kamala Harris, Senator from California has made history which will never be erased, she is the first Black PERSON to be selected, and she just so happens to be a Black woman.

I should be celebrating. I am not though. I’m neutral on her at best. Is she qualified? Sure, but the way my politics run they are far to the left of the Senator. I don’t ‘hate’ her like some because of her time as a prosecutor. Until there is a different system it is imperative that Black people and Black women be a part of that system to preserve what is possible in fairness. It’s imperfect but without it, there is nothing to keep the hounds at bay.

I want to celebrate her, and I will. Even though she is an AKA and all AKAs are crazy as fuck, #fightme I said what I said. d

What angers me today is that we could have had a bad bitch.

Not unlike 4 years ago, the best person for the job was a woman and they ignored that woman to pick the most mediocre of yt men. Well not the most, Sanders was finally knocked out the paint.

I don’t ‘hate’ Joe Biden. I give him props for holding Barack Obama down. I understand his appeal. I also understand he is a return to what used to be before we had the greatness of an Obama Presidency. Old mediocre yt men who value old mediocre yt traditions. That’s not what is needed in this nation right now, but it what we have and my toe jam is better and safer than 45.

I am angry that yet again, a Black person is responsible for giving legitimacy to an unworthy yt person and making them relevant. There’s a reason why Biden was never a contender. He hit what should have been his peak in 2008. America being America and hating vagina, he was forced to be more than he should be and now thinks he should be President.

I mean, I guess. At this point, I’m voting because it is too dangerous to NOT vote but fuck, this is the second time around and we could have had a bad bitch. Instead we get useless old man.