Every so often at Vizionz a new category is needed, and this is one of those moments. As we approach the 1 year anniversary of Philly Speak & Sing, I’ve decided we will also add a recap.

The work we do at our monthly munches is important. You can find a class every day of the week in some places on how to throw a flogger. That’s cool. I like floggers. What I also like and one of my life passions is living authentically. I want you, if this is the lifestyle you desire to be the best you at it. I want you, if it is a relationship you desire, to have the best fucking relationship you can have.

What makes Speak & Sing different is we focus on the self work, the personal, the mental and the building. S&M is simple, the rest not so much. We want to assist you with navigating through the not so much.

The January topic was YOU. Recap on page 2.