It’s one of those nights.  I don’t have them nearly as often as I like, but I do still have them. I am restless.

This type of restless requires copious amounts of gratuitous sex. It’s gonna have to wait a couple of nights and hope that the intensity remains.

I find excuses not to have company here. I’m sure that a person with letters behind their name could list all of the reasons why, shit I could list all of the reasons why. The why is not as important in this moment as my apparent willingness to alter that state.

Tonight I just want to pick up the phone and order some penis.

I won’t because of …..reasons. I have a naked hunger for it in the moment now though.

One of the reasons I am waiting is uterus.  That bitch is a hater and absent one of those committed relationships I am avoiding these days for the 7-10 days it takes to start and finish I am on the shelf.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all about period sex. I am just not about period sex with casual encounters.  Reasons.

So now that I am in the 48 hours after timeframe I am struggling not to demand my needs be immediately met.

I almost feel sorry for the kid, he’s in for some surprises. I warned him that walking through my front door was going to alter our encounters and I am not sure that he fully understands what that means.

He doesn’t realize he almost got kidnapped last night. Well kidnapped might be harsh, you can’t kidnap the willing right?

Im just hoping that Thursday results in my getting out of the office before 5 so that I can prepare properly. In order to get him into the correct headspace I have to do things here so that from the moment he walks the steps he’s ready for the things I have in mind. He’s gonna need to step his game up and at this moment I am willing to work with him.

I’m not quite in hunter mode, but I’m absolutely not in service mode.

I just have to get him ready for this side of me he hasn’t yet seen.

Aphrodite Brown