And all of a sudden I am wondering if I am about to do a new category. I mean I don’t need one but that’s never stopped me before.

I altered my plans for today and I am not at all mad about it. The Universe gave me something else and something that I didn’t know I needed until it was crying on my sofa. They. It was a They.

I was reminded of how I’ve been protected all of this time, and what fortune looks like when I wear it. I was given the present of proof that what I do makes sense. I was gifted transparency and I gave some as well. It makes the secret I am keeping push a little more to the front. Yes I will share it, because I don’t like keeping secrets. At this point the only reason I am keeping it is because I am waiting for a signal, but the reality is that signal may never arrive and if it does not, then I have to move because its the right thing to do, and not necessarily right for me.

It is almost time for 2nd Christmas. I know that is not a thing, but this year it is.

I got early Christmas, Christmas, 2nd Christmas. Yeah issa cool thing. I am looking forward to watching the little one open her presents. For just this moment the tables are turned and there are more from me than to me and I like how that feels. Being able to spoil her like she deserves. I had to open up about some things that were lingering, to get to this moment but that is not a bad thing.

I have a draft done, I don’t know if I will publish. I am going to sit on it for a moment and allow the actions of others to determine this one.