I have a lot I need to make happen if I am going to hit the June 1 deadline so this might be a quiet month for me here. I don’t see a ton of sleep ahead of me but I own concealer so the party shall rock on.

A guy I know is getting married tomorrow. He was surprised that I sent him and the fiancée congratulations. He thought I was anti marriage. Laws I won’t ever get rid of that stigma unless I allow someone to put a ring on it will I? Good thing stigma is my color.

365 days ago FUPM dropped and I resisted burning the world down when it did. Please clap because that was effort.

364 days ago the legal proceedings were over. Well not totally, there would be the $ hearing in July but I am counting them as over because If I was ever gonna run coins was never a doubt…in MY mind. It’s been a good year and it is about to get even better.

I have Georgia, Virginia, Nevada and Hawaii on tap for the 2nd half of 2024 and I am looking forward to them all. Some work some play all new adventures to give new educational opportunities and once more I am thankful to the Universe for an inquisitive spirit.

Do I have doubts about these next 3 weeks? Sure, I usually do. Will I get this work in anyhow? Absolutely. The result means I won’t have to request PTO and I can complete part two of my plan to make the little one smile.

If I begin now I can wrap up today’s project by midnight. So TTYL Constant Reader …for now.

If it is a couple weeks until the next entry charge it to my grind and not my heart.