Once upon a time I was a MAC girl. All Apple products all the time. Then life came at me fast and those expensive luxuries of mine had to go bye bye. Don’t get me wrong, it was my expensive tastes and generosity of prior partners that helped keep us afloat back on Limekiln when I had to stop working. Who knew a tennis bracelet given out of love could pay your mortgage for a year?

I paid a price for that generosity, but in the end it was worth it ….mostly. I am chuckling at the moment reminding myself that I’ve always been that chick who did the impossible including landing those so called ‘high value men’ when the knuckle draggers say it isn’t possible. The most recent ex had disposable income, those men had MONEY. And I was still fat and unapologetic then too.

The system I type on now was a gift. A part of that 11k thrown back into my face when it came time to alter the narrative to sell themselves on their choices.

I was working on building Vizionz Coaching and using my iPad [hey listen I am still an Apple girl I was just an Apple girl on installments] and that little iPad did a lot. What it did not do was allow me to grow and expand the way I needed to for launch. So he spent a couple hundred and had Amazon deliver and *poof* laptop delivered. I wanted an MacBook, but other than the Apple Watch he wasn’t going to do that. The only reason he did the watch was he had a room full of witnesses and it was important to him that he been seen a certain way. He could not very well have his girl out there on Beyonce’s Internet saying her baller Daddy didn’t keep his word. Hindsight being 20/20 I would have asked for a MacBook, then today would not be necessary.

As I’ve expanded, one of the things I’ve contemplated is upgrading the laptop. This one is 4 years old and was kinda basic. Basic has done a lot for me, gratitude exists. Basic hosted Zooms, wrote motions, wrote books and right now is adding to my living historical testimonial.

I ain’t basic though. I also have gotten to this system’s max and need an upgrade.

I hit purchase about 20 minutes ago, and while I wasn’t ready for this purchase I did it.

Shit sometimes you just are NOT ready, but the Universe put me in a position where even though I would have liked to driven to Best Buy and paid cash, I could front part of it, and Visa the rest of it. No, it was not a MacBook. Not this time.

I am super familiar with Windows right now for the things that I do, and as I add momentum, I need to not be in the middle of converting back to Mac. The better news though, is with the newest revenue stream I can pay off the Visa and have my Mac by the end of the year. More likely by the end of the summer.

So much for not being able to do it without him.

He’s fine though, and I am better and this end of the era is not sad. I will miss all my stickers though πŸ™