I have some re-writes to do as suggested. I will get to them this week because I am thisclose to being able to begin live streaming and I want the proof copy at least ready for those lives.

One of the good things about the writing process is the reminder that I am not broken. I do need that from time to time, and it is also a teaching tool.

I like tools.

In the absence of explanations I’ve had to decipher this mess alone and often when that happens I place the blame on me. While I am not blameLESS, one of the things I’ve had to acknowledge is that some of this was about their defects. Sure I thought me and my cape could land here and show them the way, but that was never the case. They were always going to do a version of what happened. The Universe just determined that I would not suffer the weight of that.

Shame is a thing, and while they didn’t express all of what shamed them, I know enough to assign it where it belongs. We are similar in that fashion, the source, but only one of us has put in the work to let it go.

I once asked if they could be single. The response was yes. The truth is something else, and at this point not my baggage. I am absolutely using it to assist others in unpacking theirs. Perhaps even using a little of it for myself.

I can still learn the lessons, teach the lessons and unfortunately miss the lessons as well. Today, I am getting better at the first two and today is what counts.