I didn’t’ quite make it. I missed yesterday. I will double check my drafts but I didn’t write at least not here yesterday I don’t think. I will have more than 29 posts but looks like I missed a day. Sad Face.

I am currently listening to Katt Williams on Joe Rogan and live long enough to become the villain comes to mind. I absolutely think Katt is intelligent enough to be playing to Joe’s audience, yet low key he believes come of this. My new knives arrived. Month end be damned I clocked out early.

I had something to handle, and I did. Mind you it creates yet another issue but part one is handled. Tackle them step by step, one by one, and the elephant gets eaten. I made it back to the crib before the rain and I am thankful for that California has shitty drivers.

Last night as I shuffled the budget I finally got to hit a goal I’d worked for, and it felt good. It feels less good today but that is the general beginning/end of the month frustration. I’ve been accused of …well a lot. That hole in the budget never quite goes away no matter what I seem to make. That is anger inducing but at the moment I don’t have time for anger.

The fact that I asked for money to be secure is an issue for some. The fact that I let it go is an issue for me, sometimes. To this moment I can imagine the puffed out chest and growling tone yet I still am not wrong. For as long as I am working for someone else and I am not fully making my money from Vizionz I will still be reminded of those events and wonder if it was the outside voice that set things in motion. I will still think back to “I’d be inclined to help” and reminded that it was not something that could be trusted.

Over and over since 2022. It will cease but I am also allowed to feel what I feel because of it.

The bottom line though is as long as it remains quiet I can move along and have my beginning of the month moment and then move on. I am good with that.

March is Woman’s History month. Don’t yet know if I will try it again, but I do know I make history everyday.