Tonight was a quiet night on purpose. I’ve kept some of my evolution close the vest for …reasons. My leaning into the non Xtian side of me is one of them. I wouldn’t call myself a pagan per se but I know some who might call me witch. Not bitch but witch. Although some call me bitch.

One of the things I’ve learned in this past year is power. Having it not having it using it for good using it for myself. I spent a lot of time denying it, power. I spent a lot of time denying I had any. There were reasons and while I thought they were valid, they were not any more valid than any of the other excuses I’ve used in the past.

Magic is a thing. Am I a magician? Yes, but we all are.

Understanding that I have the ability to shape my reality. Like with many other things I am a work in progress but that doesn’t mean I am not working.

I’ve found many things to celebrate this year, and this was my first solstice celebration. It’s not yet over but I was in the other journal setting intention and thought I would drop something here also. I’m still resetting the house from the guests so it isn’t as physically clean as I hoped but that’s ok.

9 days left in 2023 and overall I am pleased with the year. I can’t say I have regrets. I do say I had some wins. Earlier today I had a moment, like all moments it passed. I am not pleased that I allowed myself to take some of the bait but I am pleased that I cut it off. It can be a challenge with someone who understands how to push my buttons in the manner they do, but I got this.

With all they know, or should know, what’s more important is that they don’t know the person I am in this moment and moving forward. What matters more than that, is that I know and like the reminder I wear – I know who the fuck I am.

For the season and for the future. For me.

Happy Winter Solstice Constant Reader.