Eventually these won’t be mentioned, they will end up just another standing date on the calendar without an alert.

It is a bright sunshiney day in Nor Cal and not cold. I am sure the natives disagree but I am not a native.

When I woke this morning and rolled to my right I didn’t realize it was THE day. I was about 3 hours into my work shift when I saw the calendar. I was looking for something else – I usually am – and there it was. I chuckled. I was asked what was funny. I just said it was an inside joke. It is, kind of like December 8 on the calendar. I once thought these dates were so monumental. Now, they are just a reminder of where I was to compare to where I am now.

We are heading out in about an hour, I just want to get another load in the washer before we do. I don’t want to spend all night doing laundry when there are other things to be done.

I love that I can still roll back the moonroof at the end of November. I less love the reminder of being an adult and that credit card bill always comes due. All bills come due though, eventually. One might think that they escaped consequences but the North [Philly girl] never forgets. Even when the time comes and I don’t the Universe is not restrained by my human limitations.

We are debating if we are going to the studio today. I am leaning to no, but who knows? I am not confined nor restrained. I ***should*** go to the laundry mat, but if I am going to have them put in work, I can think of better uses of their stamina.

I am going to find a way to celebrate and remember what could have been. My intentions were to do what ever made him happy on this day, and possibly buy a gift. The Universe said no bitch, that tepid and basic existence is not what you are meant to experience.