I don’t do these as often as I used to. Being transparent the election of 2016 broke a part of me. On a day like today though the portions of me which have healed wanted to give some thoughts and prayers.

That is Kevin Owen McCarthy, Representative from the great state of California. Look, I’m a transplant don’t blame me! Also his district is south of me. I am a Pelosi girl…kinda. She is at least geographically closer than him.

I am not at all shocked at that confused look on his face, I am a tiny bit shocked that he didn’t think the resolution he sold his balls for the “win” on the 15th ballot would never be triggered. One of my first trolls on TikTok tried to combat my witty humor with the ‘fact’ that McCarthy ‘won’. If this is what winning looks like…..

His epic 15 ballot backslide into the Speaker seat and being #3 in the line of succession was ugly to watch. Humorous to Nicole, ugly for the Republic. I absolutely found it comical to watch. Every visible dysfunction of the current Republican party I take joy from observing. The more that they are shown to be obstructionist or moronic the part of me which still believes in fairy tales says finally people will see. Then things like the election of 2016 happen and I am reminded of just where the fuck I live.

I’m gonna get my jokes off today and prepare for tomorrow, or next Wednesday to be more precise. That is when the House resumes and has to elect his replacement.

In theory it will go smoothly, yet 15 ballot Kevin would say don’t let the smooth taste fool ya.

There has to be a speaker or else work doesn’t happen. There is an impending shut down in about a month which means workers might not get paid and essential functions will stop. Now, we’ve lived through shut downs before and will again in the future.

That won’t make the next one any more palatable, and it is inevitable without a Speaker. I wonder if that was the whole point? Those who are there to disrupt and obstruct know that there are enough self serving I want to be re-elected Rs that a reasonable bill would pass, so fuck it lets not allow ANY bill to pass because the work of the House cannot be done. I feel as if that is giving them credit for intelligence they don’t possess, but stopped clocks etc etc etc

I told one of my elders this weekend how I have fear for next year. I didn’t have fear in 2016 and 53% reminded me that yt women will turn on you in a nanosecond. Yes those same yt women who are ‘suffering’ the effects with the abandonment of Roe and DeSatan in Florida making the Handmaid’s Tale no longer a work of fiction. I’d like to think they learned their lesson, but on Twitter [his momma named him Twitter imma call him Twitter], they are already tossing out the notion that Liz Cheney should take the wheel. By the way, she should not.

I don’t know how I live in this country if 45 becomes 47 because that would be the end of all I’ve known. I can’t wrap my head around that reality, yet it took a pandemic to elevate Uncle Joe and my birthday twin. Would Joe have won? Most likely. As long as we hold onto the racist EC the numbers were never there for 45, but I think it might have been closer and it was already too fucking close. Lots of folx like me held their nose and checked his box, because the reality of a re-elected 45 was not anything we wanted to endure.

Mind you, Uncle Joe has been pretty effective. Yet and still he’s a 300 year old yt man who had to learn how to not be a bigot.

Oh well, I suppose it won’t really matter since the 5G alert happens tomorrow and my Moderna will make me a zombie.