Black women and the welfare system have destroyed the Black family:

Without using the Google or the Bing – in what decade were food stamps created?

What law created the ‘welfare’ system as we know it now?

The Internet and Black men on it spend far too much time explaining why women, feminism, the Democratic party and other entities have destroyed the Black family.


If that is what you think? You spelled middle passage wrong. You also spelled colonization wrong.

Mom – Dad – 2 kids – picket fence….that is the ideal of people who are not Black. Sure since being assimilated we’ve internalized that model, but other than sperm and egg meeting to create zygote, that is not the Black family ideal. Did it exist in some fashion, sure but on the continent of Africa hundreds of OTHER models also exist. We – the people – were not marrying and being monogamous and celebration the male as head of household like lemmings where we come from.

That bullshit happened because colonization happened.

But because I am feeling a bit gracious this morning, lets explore.

Since many of us do not know where we the ancestors are from, let’s just take on whiteness as the model, and let’s unpack post middle passage.

We were slaves. Not all of us, but enough of us that somewhere in your DNA is someone’s massa. We weren’t allowed to be ‘married’ in the good Xtian way the whites were, because we were property not people. Yet eventually we were ‘freed’ and while the system worked on making sure black and brown people caught as many felonies as possible to keep up the new slavery we refuse to talk about, we were expected to emulate those who enslaved us.

We did. We took their white jesus and their definition of femineity and masculinity and wear it like our melanin. We ignored the community we brought from the homeland, and that we created as we tried to survive the atrocities of chattel slavery. We ignored what kept us together and alive to chase the holy grail of the green god and status as those who did not look like us defined it.

We did not seem to stop and consider how attaining that status and ‘power’ was virtually systemically impossible. 3 of us ‘made it’ so that just meant the rest of us needed to try harder. What did we make though? Let’s put a pin in that for a moment.

The century turned, WWI happened and then came the Great Depression. Something happened along those years, White women realized they were vulnerable. Their husbands were dying at war, their masculine men couldn’t put food on the table. Suddenly their ability to provide white sons no longer granted them sanctuary. Within Roosevelt’s New Deal were the version 1 of the programs which ‘destroyed’ the Black family. Yep. Section 8 and food stamps have their origins in the Social Security Act and their creation, the reason? To prevent white women from doing that which Black women have always done, work.

While there were certainly exceptions, as exist in all things, the value of the white woman then was to spread her legs and use her uterus. I mean…that’s cool. Yet Black women brought with them the ability [well the requirement because when we tried to imitate Becky they created laws preventing that] to work, manage a household, educate and elevate the family, and also spread legs and use a uterus. We came preassembled with talents and skills passed from the motherland and perfected in slavery and Jim Crow. Additionally we also came pre-installed with being the only other people who understood the trauma of being Black and used that knowledge to preserve and protect our sons, brothers, husbands.

Like it was imprinted in our bone marrow we chose and fuck it all KEEP choosing Black men.

So from the 1930s to the 1970s that evil doer WELFARE didn’t kill the Black family. The 1970s saw an expansion of that evil doer because America can’t not America and we were killing our men via the Vietnam war faster than women could gestate them.

What the 1970s ALSO saw, was the generation who were given the access to society afforded them by the Civil Rights act of 1964, and with that finally for Black women the right to vote, and we – Black women – were able to figure out the Rubic’s Cube of upward mobility Black men could not – education. It isn’t that Black men are unteachable…pause.

Black men instead were relying on what White men told them their value was – physicality. Black women were seeing the system for what it was and using their new found access to it. Black men to this moment seem to be unable to grasp that the masculinity they emulate will always be denied to them by White men, and evolve past it into what CAN work in this world as we know it.

Black women though? We got it long ago and that is a part of why we’ve out paced the other half of our Black species. White women caught wind of the choices Black women have and decided they would burn their bras to get some of that. Then white women ALSO realized oh shit, Black women actually do things besides spread their legs. As a community they split on that – some kept chasing freedom, others said no bueno and returned to the pre recorded program. Those who returned made sure to leave grenades though so if they were not followed all they left would be burned to the ground.

Black women did not trade Black men for food stamps. COINTELPRO, the Vietnam war, technology, crack did that. It worked though because Black men seem incapable of chasing the proximity to power.

When our mates became infected with Capitalism Black women saw the writing on the walls and decided we’d save our sons since our partners were beyond reach, But…technology,

By the 1980s it was impacting the ‘one thing Black men were good for’ their physicality. Combined with the assault and attempt to dismantle organized labor, Black men were no longer able to pretend to be like Brad because the opportunities were given to automation. Well NOW education is a pivot yet despite the warnings of Black women, Black men had not paid attention to the erosion of public education and how our sons were being targeted. Nope, Fathers would try to beat compliance into their sons still failing to see that compliance was a goal line that was not static.

Then well damn – the Internet arrived and it was pretty much a wrap. Women were able to witness the shortcomings and refusal to evolve was not unique to the men around them, no it was a thing a world wide thing.

Women in 2023 have options. Lots of them. We are also choosing to exercise them to the chagrin of our men who want to have the ‘value’ they had when we needed their upper body strength. I’ve had this discussion before and was told that I would want to be with a man if I lived in an underdeveloped country.

Ahem – despite the regression of the state of Florida ….. I DO NOT.

..,and lets keep it a buck…when your only defense as to WHY men are superior is that I would need you if I were in a 3rd world country does that not make you 3rd rate?

In 2023 Al Gore’s Internet got Black men becoming passport bros to find an alternate race woman who will comply, ignoring that once she’s here and sees she has the options of every other woman will reject your stone age knuckle dragging MAGA impersonations. Now some will have to assistance of white jesus to deprive women of their options, and for a fair amount of time that was the plight of Black women. Yet especially in our youth we see the trend of rejecting the imaginary friend from heaven of the oppressors and standing in their truth …..the man who refuses to evolve with society is left behind.

Black women haven’t killed the Black famiy. We are simply removing that which no longer serves it, the Black man’s incessant chase of being in proximity to power.

Yes it leaves us vulnerable, but we’ve never been protected even when it was alleged we were loved so this too we can transcend.