Apparently this language is Linux. I don’t speak it. It would appear I shall have to learn.

One of the takeaways is that I am learning. Somewhere in all of the dozens of words yesterday, I knew the ‘answer’. I didn’t get there quickly, or without assistance. I will.

Yesterday scared me more than angry Daddy face. Angry Daddy face is scary as fuck.

What I think scared me the most was the calm determination. When you see that, if you have ANY sense at all, you understand resistance is futile. I may be the irresistible force. I just so happen to be in a relationship with the immovable object. I don’t have centuries to ‘wear it down’. He will not change. I must.

I ask if I have it in me. I answer I do. Then I watch that video again.

That video was A LOT. Yesterday was a lot.

There were tears. I don’t cry.