In 2010 I launched Vizionz from the Bottom. It was a small online journal created to document and process the relationship I was in at the time. It was meant to make the insane, sane. It never did though, instead it created something else.

In the decade since you Constant Reader have lived my life with me. In 2020 and beyond I want to live life with you.

Last spring a vizion was born. I saw the space and need for spaces that were Queer led, POC centered which balanced relationship education, sex and S&M education, and individual development. I was told more than once you’re doing too much – and they are right it is too much.

It is too much to move through these lifestyles which compliment and overlap without making them accessible to those who would indulge. We can have space which is simply ours, but for those who want more, and who doesn’t want more, it’s time to join the Vizion.

At the moment we are physically centered in Charm City, Baltimore MD. By the end of 2020 we will be literally global, the Internet is an amazing thing. Thank you Al Gore.

The format:

12 monthly facilitation sessions, held in a brick and mortar facility. The sessions will rotate monthly each addressing a different component of alternative lifestyle living. The location has a full kitchen, game room, bar and both indoor and outdoor spaces. It also has the best coleslaw I’ve had since arriving in Baltimore.

We will have six sessions then the opportunity to execute all we’ve learned with a gathering; Infinity Alliance. We will do a second set of six then a second Alliance event. Then we keep the party going in 2021 and beyond. There is not a limit in the things available for us to explore, to learn, and it starts today.

Our first session is scheduled for February, date and event posting will be shared shortly. Instead of asking for a monetary cover charge, we are asking for donations. The group/organization who receives the donation will be linked. We may ask for toiletries, non perishable food, that will be listed per event. The Infinity Alliance events will have a cover charge [the requirement of the venue], but that cover will *not* be based on gender, everyone pays the same price.

In May of 2020 the facilitation sessions will be available electronically via streaming and/or website archives.

My final announcement regarding Vizionz is that starting today, January 1, 2020 Aphrodite Brown is retiring. I appreciate her presence these years, but it is time to live my life as Nicole and I am excited to share Nicole with you.