It’s been so long that I am truly unsure about what to put here. That’s not usual for me.  Even if I end up going off on a Nicole tangent, the intent always starts.  My only intention with this post is to break the drought and perhaps that is all that this needs to be. 

I’m still working.  

I’m still single.

I’m still me….just kind of subdued at the moment. 

I have some intentions for 2019 I just don’t think that I want to voice them.  I don’t think that I want the pressure if I fall short. Sure one might say but accountability but at this rate if I need you to be accountable something is very wrong. 

Anyway, the drought is over. Your girl is back. Soon enough you will hear about all of the shenanigans. In the interim, my titties up there look lovely no?

Oh and this new WP format is gonna take some getting used to, but if nothing else by now we know I can manage a change.  I just rarely want to manage it.

Aphrodite Brown