After five months I finally finished assembling my living room table. I don’t like it.

I really don’t.  I thought I liked it in the store.  I sort of liked the end tables when I got them together, but now that I am looking at this assembled table. Meh.

Even though I am technically in training at the new gig, I am still looking for work.  One holdover from the X experiment is looking into other options that I didn’t consider prior.

I can’t say that transportation is my life’s calling, but right now it pays the bills and it has for six months now.  I’ve been poking around in other aspects of transportation which is how I got the new gig. No I still won’t say where I work, just like I never told you that I worked for Greyhound. I had to learn a hard lesson once that no matter what I think I don’t have, there is always something to lose.

The new gig is better on my nerves, even though I suspect before it is all over I shall be bored to tears. Boring could be a nice change of pace though, I shall try it on for size and fit.

I’ve been thisclose to a company that I really want to get into, and I applied for a different position tonight. We shall see if the universe smiles on me.

I got to thinking though about the things I want to do in the apartment which is how I realized I don’t like my living room table. Outside the bedrooms I have not done a ton of decorating.  I am going to alter that over the next few months.  I am going to hang things and add color. I plan on making this place look like I give a shit about it and stop living this savage life.

It’s time to root and nest, beyond time.

I bought a sippy cup today.  I left my last one with TCOLA.  I didn’t replace it because the little girl in me hasn’t really felt like coming out to play.  I saw pink, and Hello Kitty and my little girl asked in the tiniest of voices please so I did.

I also bought something for my spoon.  It’s a little thing but I want her to know I love her and I am thinking of her.

I wanted to go see Thor this weekend but I could not bring myself to hit the opening weekend crowds.

I bought panty hose. I cannot locate any of my garter belts so my assumption is they were on Limekiln.  I am gonna have to get more because the gig wants me in business attire and I only have so many pairs of dress pants.

I hate pantyhose.

I’m a little wired right now, and even though I know why, I am not thrilled with the prospect of facing what comes next.

Yes this is me, just rambling, but this is also me performing self care.  You just happened to be here at the moment.

I made a pitch which means your girl might be writing for money again. I kind of miss it, even if I don’t miss deadlines.  This opportunity is a little less different though with more flexibility than I’ve had in the past for a publisher.  While I don’t regret my months with EGL, I need more freedom, words and the ability to get dirty with it.  This time my audience is not gonna be Bryer’s Vanilla, and I am not confided to 300 or less.

As I step out and Vizionz readers increase I hope that it can propel me to a different level.  Yes I love writing for you but I also like to get paid.  Vizionz spends more than she brings in and altering that is a priority for 2018.

I just hope to find the needed inspiration.