On this first Sunday in May I am on the porch in the new space in West Philly. Yes I am home again, for the moment.

Technically its still too chilly to spend a lot of time out here this early in the morning. The acceptable weather for that is still a couple weeks away, but Game of Thrones said Winter is coming and I say spring has arrived.

My legs and back currently ache but I still have more to do today. I am going to have to invest in that mattress post haste but all in all it’s a good day.

The block is quiet enough that I can hear the El train as it goes by but far enough that I don’t feel it. When summer arrives I am far enough into the block to avoid the corner congregation and noise but not so far away I am trapped if things need to happen.

I am the Auntie of a 14 year cat now named Midena, there is no grass to cut and sure it’s still a 2 story but when my legs stop rebelling the walk won’t be excessive.

It’s not the vizion I had. I thought I would be typing this from a balcony in Phoenix, but there are no mistakes.

I arrived in Baltimore a year ago, I am back in Philly a year later, and it’s been a bit of a challenge to not think of this as a set back, but it isn’t. It is a new opportunity and I’m curious about the opportunity.

There is a lot of wonder currently with what this world is going to look like in six months. Not just my life but the world. It feels as if things are going to get ‘worse’ for the bulk of us as the result of COVID-19 and well it will absolutely create a new normal. The position I was ready to quit not just a month ago has turned out to be a needed blessing. Plus I am avoiding the stress of being a manager which is good because I don’t need more stress at the moment.

My one concern at the moment if there is one is food shopping but I learned living on Payson St that there are ways to work that out. Things always work out though, the universe always provides.

I miss Daddy 🙁

Our plan was to spend time with each other in April and then COVID so I’ve been without his touch and kiss longer than a girl should. I haven’t been without his love and support and power though. He is one of the better things to arrive in 2020 and I am looking forward to the next 20 years with him.

I’m cold now and the coffee cup is empty so I am going to log off but Constant Reader I miss talking to you.

Stay safe, stay physically distant. Stay in hope and love.