A little while back I wrote about a one orgasm experience.


I firmly believed that my one orgasm days were over, and today I am reminded that they still are, and were even then.

I lay the blame at a lack of communication.  I’ve treated this particular partner with kid gloves, unwilling to take on the responsibility of “keeping” him once we start really exploring.

I truly just want to use his body then send him on his way, and I’ve denied myself in that process. While firmly shoving him into a box of my design, I failed to label that box and should not be surprised at the outcome.

Our terms of engagement have mostly been on me learning that which I needed to know to have him eagerly begging for more, for my own ego stroking – and vagina stroking.

What I wasn’t doing was categorizing the data I collected beyond what I needed right then and there.  The final result was me on the side of the bed looking puzzled when he asked if I was ok.  Of course I sad yes, I am not that much of an asshole (well anymore that is) – but what I was did not equal okay.  Puzzled.  Confused. Wondering. Okay? Nope.

In a quiet moment today while folding laundry and contemplating how to get into the head of the next volunteer/victim I remembered one of my earliest conversations with ONE man.  Combining that moment with the porno playing in the background and hearing the girl on screen say: I wasn’t ready – the lightbulb finally popped on for me.

Without dumping all of the details to protect the innocent here, my ONE man just came too quick.  It happens.  I mean, it hasn’t happened to me in a few years, but it happens.  Had I been less focused on myself in that moment I would have seen the signs and possibly been able to alter the course.

That night for the first time I took my focus off him, because in my arrogance I thought that I knew all I needed to know about him.  I didn’t pay attention to his breathing, his stroke, his grip.  All the signs were there that ole boy was struggling not to pop but I was focused only my own pop which is why and how I ended up with one.

Intercourse is a team effort, otherwise we refer to it as masturbation.

I could have seen what was happening but I chose not to, so even though it’s been some time I am going to give ONE man another shot.  I recently gave someone else another shot after a ‘disappointing’ moment and the results were vastly improved.  Not unlike ONE man, back then he wasn’t ready either and I sat puzzled afterwards.  His next go round, he was ready and I suspect ONE man will be also.

Shit if nothing else works I will have him rub a couple off before we get to the stroking part.  He bounces part pretty quick. Almost as quickly as I made him cum last time.


Aphrodite Brown